Entering into retirement brings considerable change but also many opportunities to use the time that retirement affords.

At HTD we have a large cohort of seniors who are committed to fellowshipping together as they seek to follow Christ. 

For those in the ‘fourth quarter’ of their life we want to encourage them to keep persevering, to maintain connections and to keep their eyes on Jesus as the author and perfecter of their faith.

To complement HTD’s weekly church services, our Seniors Ministry includes:

  • regular small group bible studies that meet during the day; 
  • monthly ladies guild meetings; 
  • monthly men’s group; 
  • opportunities to serve and contribute to a range of church ministries during the week; 
  • plus opportunities to gather for fitness, gardening or craft. 

We also hold monthly fellowship lunches after our Sunday morning services and an annual “Big Day In”.

We warmly invite you to join us at HTD and pray you will meet Jesus, grow in your faith, and find purpose and fellowship here.